Thursday, July 31, 2008

How our journey started

We got a call asking us if we were interested in opening our home to another Dane. With the idea bouncing about in our head we became anxious, jittery, nervous & excited. That Dane did not end up being placed with us, but made us realize that we really were ready for another Dane in our life.

What is meant to be will be.

Browsing Great Dane Rescue of Northern California website I saw his ad.

This three year old blue great dane needs a new home. Here is what his owners wrote about him:

"Our Dane suffers from chronic ear infections and is losing way too much hair. He is also underweight. We have seen numerous vets and spent thousands of dollars running a variety of tests on him to determine what, if anything, is wrong with him. The most we have been able to find is that his thyroid levels are too low. He has supplements for this.

Even though we love "Blue," we must find him a better home. Can you please help?"

I passed it by. For a second. Then went back. Have you ever had a feeling that you could help? A gut instinct that you could make a difference? I re read his info... and sent an email.

Within minutes I called the listed number. I couldn't wait for email. I needed info now.

And that is when I spoke to Blue's mom. We set it off wonderfully.

Blue will be coming to live with us August 16, 2008.

We will keep the name Blue, but add "Lenus." Lenus is the Celtic god of healing, depicted classically as a warrior with Corinthian helmet in a bronze statuette from the Martberg. I feel this perfectly depicts Blue in his fight to becoming healthy.

With that, may I introduce Lenus Blue.DOB: 8/23/05
Weight: 110
Altered: at 3 months
Breeder: BYB
Known Thyroid problem
Unknown other issues

I have a game plan for this boy, but I will outline that later.